Increase sales
It’s the reason you do any marketing at all – increasing your sales. So, how is it different with experiential marketing? EMAs use proven techniques and activation styles to draw the most attention to your product. Using trained and experienced brand ambassadors, experiential marketing activations connect directly with your audience, in person, to create lasting and impactful memories that are associated with your brand. From start to finish, an EMA can make it happen so all you have to do is watch your sales increase.Create awareness
How does brand awareness effective your bottom line? Introducing your brand to a broader audience can mean the amazing potential for your profits. An EMA is made up of a group of experts who can identify your existing audience and see the room for opportunities with untouched audiences too. This experience and market research will inform your marketing decisions as you seek new ways to reach out to the public. What’s more is that your EMA can plan, execute and report on the idea marketing activation to optimize your brand’s opportunities.Launch a product
Launching a new product is a big deal! A great launch campaign can set the tone for the success of the product. An EMA can ensure the success of your product launch with tested and trusted experiential marketing campaigns such as product sampling activations. Product sampling campaigns puts your products directly in the hands of consumers to create a real and memorable experience. These activations can then be expanded upon to include social sharing for consumers enjoying the product to increase the reach of your marketing efforts. Whether you need support for a one-off event or you’re seeking an Agency of Record for all of your experiential marketing needs, REEF is the EMA for your brand. Our team of marketing experts are ready to take your sales to the next level to achieve your business goals. Ready for a great quarter? Let’s talk!